Aj-yuxul: Mayan title for carvers and sculptors

Aj-yuxul: Mayan title for carvers and sculptors
Aj (the left part of the character): Person, “man of…”, the syllable tells you you are about to read a title.
Yuxul (this is also spelled with Mayan syllables): Yu is the “headgear” on top of the bat. xu is the bat and lu) is the element on the right of the bat. Since Mayan writing rule dictates that the last vowel be dropped, lu becomes l(u) where the u is not pronounced.
The logographic (its meaning as a sign as opposed to its phonetic value) value of the xu (the bat), is thought to be “scrape” and may be “polish”. So, it can be read as a title for “a person who scrapes (or polishes)”.
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